Yes, it’s that time of year, for some it is the dreaded heating season. The leaves have fallen, the days are shorter and the cold weather is setting in.
As winter fast approaches, now is the time to ensure that your furnace will get you through the season, keeping you nice and toasty! That is why we have put together a list to help determine if it is time for some tune-ups or a new furnace.
Your Furnace is 16-20 Years Old
Fun fact: The average life expectancy of a central furnace is 16-20 years. If your furnace is close to this age or older, you should start shopping. Even if it is working, it is likely not operating at maximum efficiency and your electricity bills are probably at all time! That’s no good.
Your Maintenance Bills are Increasing
Furnaces are like any piece of technology, as they age they will need more maintenance. If your furnace is older and you have a repair costing more than 15% of a new furnace, you should go ahead and replace it. Why? Because it is more likely to break down again.
It is also important to note whether you had to wait to get replacement parts. As a furnace ages, it gets harder and harder to get replacement parts.
Your Furnace is Noisy
Loud furnace noises come for all kinds of reasons. Furnaces tend to make some noise when they turn on and off, but if those noises start to get louder, it may be time to replace your unit. These sounds may come in the form of whistling, rattling, popping, banging, humming or screeching. This could be a telltale sign your furnace is nearing the end of its life or that some of its may need to be replaced.
If you think it’s time to replace your furnace, contact Afterglow. Our technicians are trained and have experience with every residential furnace make and model in the Waterloo Region. Our expertise will help you make an informed decision and keep you warm throughout a harsh Canadian winter.
Also, if you know someone who needs a new furnace nominate them for our Furnace Giveaway. We want to give the gift of warmth to a deserving family this holiday season.
Afterglow. Water, warmth, well-being.
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