No ducts in your home? No problem!
The solution: ductless air conditioners.
Afterglow has installed more ductless air conditioners this year than ever before!
Whether single units or multi-zone, people are just loving this technology, and Afterglow is in love with them too. We love that we can install them just about anywhere. We mainly install them in homes that don’t have ducts or forced air furnaces.
Now we can install most ductless ACs in homes with boilers. They’re also great for homes heated by electricity, town homes and even garages. Afterglow is in love with ductless ACs because they are very efficient. They are excellent for rooms that you’re having trouble cooling, or even heating. Because, as heat pumps, they are able to create heat in the winter! Take that regular ACs!
Just think, you’re investing in cooling AND heating! While we’re loving this beautiful, hot summer weather, we as Canadians know that fall and winter are too soon just around the corner.
But in the meantime, we’re out there camping, going to the cottage, the beach, the parks, and enjoying the hot summer weather and want our homes to be a cool comfort.
Consider falling in love with the ductless ACs, just like so many satisfied Afterglow customers have.
For world-class cooling solutions, call Afterglow.
Water, warmth, well-being.
The post Ductless Air Conditioners appeared first on Afterglow.